Giving is Good For Business – and Our Community | DRA Collective

Giving is Good For Business – and Our Community

Employers have significant influence in shaping our spirit of community. They can lead by example to inform, inspire and engage their teams to powerfully impact areas needing to be addressed in our community – which is their community.

A few key factors to consider on social impact and its impact on business:

  • Privilege of Giving: While some are wired to give and do, others have yet to experience the benefit of working together toward a common goal. What happens on a Saturday morning, weekend activity or evening endeavor prompts relationships that transcend the professional work environment. Companies are often well equipped to organize activities that impact our community in enormous ways. Volunteer activities also expose employees to many of the organizations that receive funds, helping more people appreciate the great work being done in our community and prompting them to take even greater pride in their firm's support.

  • Teamwork ContinuesConnecting through matters of the heart can equalize a board or lunch room like nothing else. It helps people get to know their co-workers and their families in ways that strengthen relationships. Its impact extends beyond the employee picnic. The power of shared experiences and memories and collective impact with individual pride cannot be overstated.  

  • Good for BusinessBuying decisions are made by more than one bottom line. Brands with social impact are distinguishing themselves in the marketplace, attracting customers and building loyalty. 

One very good example is Goodmans Interior Structures - Chair Hockey Tournament which benefits First Place AZ.  Goodman’s brings employees together to build a fun, high-energy event involving their product (Herman Miller Aeron Chair), their clients (interior design firms, contractors) and vendors and recipients (First Place Transition Academy students). Goodmans was Arizona's first BCorp and has set the bar high on how companies impact the community and culture in extraordinary ways.
